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Here you can find "ONART" studio production and proyects as well as some news about me and my works.

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

Está reunida - She´s joined

   Siempre me han atraido los primeros planos como tema para pintar. El reto es abstraer formas y volúmenes de áreas concretas de la anatomía humana. 
   Esta es una nueva interpretación utilizando dos estilos, uno para las manos y otro para las rodillas y piernas. No creo que sea la última. Queda mucho por investigar.

   Close up always atracted me as a topic to paint. The challenge focuses in abstract forms and volumes of concrete areas from the human anatomy.
   This one is a new interpretation using two styles, one for the hands and other one for the knees and legs. I don´t believe it will be the last attempt.

Está reunida - She´s joined
Acrícilo sobre tablero - Acrylic on board
115 x 95 cm

Cuclillas - Squatting
Acrícilo sobre lienzo- Acrylic on canvas 
100 x 81 cm

3 comentarios:

David Lobenberg dijo...

from one acrylic (and watercolor) artist to another, glad to make your aquantence and very nice work!

Nick dijo...

your figure work is amazing Javier!!! And I see you were inspired by the China trip, wonderful work amigo. :)

Javier Ona dijo...

David: Nice to meet you, I love your watercolor portraits. Thanks for your comment.

Nick: Many thanks. I hope you can fix your trip to Spain next september. Kisses to your nice wife Olga.